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Does lying down after sex increase your chances of getting pregnant?

While the logic doesn’t sound that farfetched, the long-held belief that it’s easier for sperm to travel in the right direction if you’re horizontal isn’t necessarily scientifically accurate. 

There are a lot of tips out there about trying to get pregnant.

Some say that you should start taking prenatal vitamins, others that you should do it in a certain position, avoid peeing after sexual intercourse… the list goes on, but some of these are true and others not so much.

One piece of advice you may have heard is that you should lie down after sex to boost your chances of conceiving, but does it actually help?

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Lying down after sex to conceive: fact or fad?

We’ll go straight to the point with this one: it’s a fad. There’s no actual evidence that lying down after sex improves your odds of getting pregnant.

Sperm are incredibly quick swimmers and, before you’ve even thought about getting up, they’re already close to the finish line. In fact, it can take them as little as two minutes to reach your fallopian tubes, where they need to be for conception to occur.

“We don’t have trials that have investigated this specifically so the best evidence we have is from studies on intrauterine insemination (IUI) – this is when sperm that has been washed and concentrated is placed directly into the uterus,” says Dr Kirsty Wallace-Hor, a GP at Kin Fertility.

“A large study in the Netherlands found that there was no significant difference between women who rested after IUI and those who mobilised straight away. 

“Whilst IUI is different from natural conception, it makes sense that sperm shouldn’t need our help to work against gravity because that’s not how they work. They ‘swim’ through the cervix and uterus and are moved along the fallopian tubes with the help of cilia – small hair-like structures. Whilst some sperm may be lost along the way, we ultimately only need one sperm to reach the egg.”

That said, there’s no harm in trying. If you feel like relaxing in bed after sex, go ahead – just remember that it is unlikely to impact your chances of getting pregnant.

What if I hold my legs up – will that help?

Another myth, we’re afraid.

The logic isn’t all that farfetched: you elevate your hips, gravity does its thing, and it becomes easier for sperm to travel in the right direction. The thing is, those little swimmers don’t rely on gravity to get where they need to go.

If you’re worried about semen falling out, know that some leakage is perfectly okay. After all, it only takes one sperm meeting one egg for conception to happen, and some sperm will be rejected anyway, no matter what you do. And while we’re on this topic, peeing after sex won’t kill sperm or flush them all out of your vagina either. If you need to go, go (especially if you’re prone to getting UTIs).

What you can do to actually improve your chances of conceiving

The most important thing to remember when trying to get pregnant is that timing matters – a lot.

“Sperm can live up to five days, whilst an egg only survives for about 24 hours after it is released by an ovary. If you want to improve your chances of conceiving, it’s far more important to time sex so that sperm is ready and waiting when the egg is released,” Dr Wallace-Hor explains.

If you’re wondering how to know when you’re ovulating, the simplest thing you can do is track your cycle, either through an app or a good old-fashioned calendar.

“You can also use ovulation kits which help detect an increase in luteinising hormone in your urine – the surge in this hormone is a good marker that ovulation will occur in the next 24 to 36 hours,” Dr Wallace-Hor recommends. “Once you have a rough idea of when you’re ovulating, I recommend having intercourse every couple of days in the lead-up to ovulation.”

Of course, your lifestyle also affects your fertility, so make sure to exercise and eat well to maintain a healthy weight, quit smoking, limit alcohol and caffeine consumption, keep your stress in check, and consider taking a prenatal supplement.

“Ultimately, if you want to rest after sex, that’s fine. However, if you want to get up and move around, or if you need to get up to urinate, you can rest assured that you aren’t ruining your chances of falling pregnant. The only thing I’d advise against is bathing straight after sex or douching (you shouldn’t ever douche anyway due to the risk of infection),” she adds.

“If you have any concerns about irregular periods or ovulation, or if you have been struggling to fall pregnant, I recommend that you and your partner check in with your GP.”

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Scientists develop pill for cancer and tumour treatment

A groundbreaking „cancer-killing pill“ has been demonstrated to eradicate breast,  prostate, brain, ovarian, cervical, skin and lung cancer tumours — while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

Scientists at City of Hope, one of the largest cancer research and treatment organisations in the United States, have made a groundbreaking discovery in the fight against cancer. Researchers have developed a „cancer-killing pill“ that uses „targeted chemotherapy“ to combat solid tumours after two decades of meticulous research and development.

Scientists have made a breakthrough against the protein proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Cancer repair and growth are aided by a mutated form of PCNA. AOH1996, a molecule designed by researchers, targets and kills the mutated PCNA.

AOH1996 has shown promise in preclinical research, effectively treating a wide range of cancers, including breast, prostate, brain, ovarian, cervical, skin, and lung cancers.

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The study, which was published in the journal Cell Chemical Biology, examined the protein in over 70 cancer cell lines. The results? AOH1996 neutralised cancer cells selectively by „disrupting the normal cell reproductive cycle.“ These findings encourage scientists to move the clinical trial to the next stage, human testing.

Dr Linda Malkas, professor in City of Hope’s Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Experimental Therapeutics, explains that „Data suggests PCNA is uniquely altered in cancer cells,“ she continues, „and this fact allowed us to design a drug that targeted only the form of PCNA in cancer cells.“

Dr Malkas likens PCNA to a bustling airport terminal hub with numerous gates for planes. As a result, the disruption caused by this protein can be compared to a snowstorm that shuts down a major airline hub, causing all flights to be halted. 

The enormous future potential of this „cancer-killing pill“ lies in „shutting down all flights in and out only in planes carrying cancer cells,“ Dr Malkas adds. Meaning the blockade only affects planes transporting cancer cells, leaving the rest unaffected.

Dr Long Gu, the study’s lead author and an associate research professor in the Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Experimental Therapeutics, explains why you haven’t heard of PCNA. „No one has ever targeted PCNA as a therapeutic because it was viewed as ‚undruggable,'“ Dr Gu said.

However, the ‚impossible‘ narrative is being rewritten. What the team has achieved is comparable to a health revolution. „The results have been promising,“ Dr Gu said. AOH1996 has been shown in cell and animal models to inhibit tumour growth as a single agent or as part of a combination treatment. The icing on the cake? This is accomplished without causing toxicity.

This experimental chemotherapeutic is currently being studied in a Phase 1 clinical trial in humans at City of Hope. The researchers discovered that PCNA could be one of the catalysts for increased nucleic acid replication errors in cancer cells. They now have a target to inhibit thanks to this new discovery.

„Now that we know the problem area and can inhibit it, we will dig deeper to understand the process to develop more personalized, targeted cancer medicines,“ Dr Gu added.

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