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Rebel Wilson reveals reason behind her disheartening weight gain

Always one to be transparent about her weight loss journey, Aussie actress Rebel Wilson has shared a progress setback with her fans, revealing the all-too-common reason behind her recent weight gain. 

Viral tabloids blasting a (usually female) celebrity for any amount of weight gain or loss should be condemned to remain in the nineties. 

But old habits die hard according to the current news cycle surrounding Rebel Wilson. The iconic Australian actress took to Instagram today to share an update on her health, kickstarting a wave of media attention across major publications. 

In a bid to show honesty and transparency to her 11.1 million followers, Wilson explains her jam-packed schedule over the past year has caused her weight loss journey to take a step backwards. 

“Working really hard has meant that, [because] of all the stress, I’ve gained 14 kg (30 pounds)!” Writes Wilson, crediting her recent weight gain to the stress of her busy lifestyle and work commitments.  

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But ‘busy’ may be the understatement of the century. In a January 1st Instagram post, Wilson lists exactly what ate into her time throughout 2023, and just reading it is enough to exhaust anyone. 

In the past year alone, the Pitch Perfect actress has worked on three films as an actress, directed another, written her autobiographical book, Rebel Rising, and even launched a gender-fluid dating app. 

In addition to her crazy work schedule, the mother of one celebrated two major milestones in her personal life; her daughter’s first birthday and her engagement to partner Ramona Agruma. 

Continuing on from her ‘year of health’

In the post, Wilson admitted to feeling defeated by the recent setback, “It makes me feel bad about myself…it shouldn’t…but it does.” the actress shares. 

“I’m really proud of the work I’ve been doing on new movies and my memoir, it’s just been a LOT and I’ve lost focus on my healthy lifestyle,” she continues. 

In 2020, Wilson again caused a media frenzy when she posted about embarking on what she called her ‘year of health’, detailing her total lifestyle overhaul in pursuit of living a healthier life. 

Sharing her motivations in a 2021 interview, she shares the pushback she initially faced from her team in Hollywood, due to her career success from roles typically reserved for the ‘funny fat girl’. 

Since 2020, Wilson has been vocal and transparent about her health and fitness journey, with her latest post being no exception. Ending her recent post, Wilson asked her fanbase, “Anyone else going through the same thing?”

Motherhood and motivation 

In a 2022 interview, Wilson recounts how her desire to become a parent sparked her healthier lifestyle changes. After her fertility specialist suggested she lose weight to better her chances of harvesting and freezing her eggs, Wilson was initially offended. 

Upon reflection, the star recalls how the prospect of motherhood soon inspired her to take her own health seriously, “It’s almost like I didn’t think of my own needs. I thought of a future child’s needs which really inspired me to get healthier,” she shares on a 2022 interview with People

Having already opened up about her lifelong battle with emotional eating and fluctuating self-confidence, Wilson’s latest update has been met with an outpouring of support. 

“Keep up with your healthy choices and fitness, but allow for the joy and little things that make you happy. At the end of the day, your weight and body don’t define you. We’ll love you whatever you weigh,” writes one follower. 

“Losing weight is the easy bit… keeping it off is the biggest battle,” another empathises. 

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