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Extra Healthy-Ish podcast: how to change your habits

Why can’t you stop drinking coffee? Why do you freak out in a lift? Dr Jen Martin is Associate Professor in Science Communication Biosciences from the Uni of Melbourne and shares the science behind your weird – and perfectly normal – habits. 


For more on Jen’s book Why Am I Like This? (Hardie Grant, $27.99) see here and for more on Jen, see here


Online: Head to for your daily digital dose of health and wellness.

On social: Via Instagram at @bodyandsoul_au or Facebook. Or, TikTok here. Got an idea for an episode? DM host Felicity Harley on Instagram @felicityharley

In print: Each Sunday, grab Body+Soul inside The Sunday Telegraph (NSW), the Sunday Herald Sun (Victoria), The Sunday Mail (Queensland), Sunday Mail (SA) and Sunday Tasmanian (Tasmania). 

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Healthy-Ish podcast: the science behind the way we think

Why is it tough to do absolutely nothing? Dr Jen Martin is Associate Professor in Science Communication Biosciences from the Uni of Melbourne and delves into the science behind our strangest thoughts. 


To hear today’s full interview, where she sheds light on your strangest habits…search for Extra Healthy-ish wherever you get your pods.

For more on Jen’s book Why Am I Like This? (Hardie Grant, $27.99) see here and for more on Jen, see here


Online: Head to for your daily digital dose of health and wellness.

On social: Via Instagram at @bodyandsoul_au or Facebook. Or, TikTok here. Got an idea for an episode? DM host Felicity Harley on Instagram @felicityharley

In print: Each Sunday, grab Body+Soul inside The Sunday Telegraph (NSW), the Sunday Herald Sun (Victoria), The Sunday Mail (Queensland), Sunday Mail (SA) and Sunday Tasmanian (Tasmania). 

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‘I’m 52 and can’t wait for menopause, here’s why’

After 40-plus years of periods, 52-year-old writer Hannah Betts just wants the monthly peri combo of perma-knackeredness and teen-like angst to be over already. 

“Will you write an article about menopause?” I have been asked this incessantly of late. And, I get it — truly, I do. I’m female, 52, and a journalist; what else could I possibly be required to opine about? Alas, I am forced to reply: “Sorry, I’d have loved to, but I’m not actually there yet.” The shame, the ignominy, the 40-plus years and counting of entirely useless mess and pain.

We are told to dread the Change, to fear its impact both physical and mental, and beware the prejudices it can foster. Frankly, I’ve got menopause envy. For the Big M has gone from being the hot and bothered affliction that dare not speak its name to a veritable social requirement, certainly in the meno-positive metropolitan environments in which I operate. 

My inbox is crammed with invitations to get involved with themed panels, protests and empowerment parties, parliamentary meetings and product launches. I can’t seem to order a coffee without someone bending my ear about adding collagen for vaginal atrophy, or how matcha might be better for post-meno bones. Far from being taboo, menopause has become compulsory bonding banter.

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Still, it’s not even this that has made me meno-jel. I just want my periods to stop. Now. Immediately. I know menopause — officially the state following 12 bleed-free months — can be accompanied by attendant health issues. However, it is perimenopause, that pre “a clear year” phase in which hormones crash and surge, hot flushes storm, and rages rage, that presents much of the trauma. And it’s perimenopause that I presume I’m in now, that final flush of fecundity representing fertility’s last-chance saloon.

Basically, I’m on the receiving end of the worst of both worlds: the corpse-like perma-knackeredness of a woman staggering towards her mid-50s with the physical and mental angst of a teenage girl. My periods hurt. My mood plummets, my head and belly ache, my energy is on the floor. Mid-cycle is also rough, meaning I’ve just recovered from one pall when another descends.

As an extra sting in the tale, extended menstruation can also make you ill. Hit menopause much earlier than the 51-year-old average and you’ll miss the benefit of oestrogen’s protective effect on bone density and cardiovascular health. Much later, and lingering oestrogen exposure can increase the risk of breast and uterine cancer.

You may argue that I’m not far off the average. Perhaps, but no one else I know of my vintage is in the same boat, my cycle shows no sign of diminishing, and I resent every last second of its stay. My mother and sisters all stopped bleeding bang on 40. Why I continue to share a cycle as regular and active as my 18-year-old niece’s I couldn’t tell you. “Maybe you started later?” medics attempt to console me. I was 11. Forty-one years, and for what? I’ve never wanted kids. Forty-one times 12 opportunities for fainting, leaking, pain, dizziness and distraction. 

Sure, I’d like the wise-woman, zero f***s, “I am at peace and all-seeing” vibe of post-period existence. But, basically, I’d settle for “not still in danger of getting knocked up”. Either way, I’ve had enough. It’s time to give up my painkillers and hot water bottle, my tampons and torpor, for freedom, liberty, calm. Mother Nature, I implore you, give this old girl a break.

Smart ways to find peri relief

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What is ‘jelquing’? Viral penis-enlarging trend could actually make it smaller

A bizarre new trend that has men tugging repeatedly on their penises to make them bigger has gone viral — and experts are warning of lasting, possibly harmful effects.

Known as jelquing, the pud-plumping phenomenon has quickly grown in popularity on sites like TikTok and Reddit.

More intense than the usually repeated jerking of the Johnson practised by most males and considered to be harmless or even healthy, jelquing involves firmly pressing a thumb and index finger at the base of a semi-erect member, then dragging forward — much like you’d do when attempting to squeeze the last bits out of a toothpaste tube.

The idea is that these aggressive motions cause micro-sized tears inside the third leg’s tissue that, when healed, come back slightly larger.

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But doctors say practitioners of the radical new form of so-called self-abuse should expect to feel a little prick of disappointment.

“Doing these sort of exercises can create permanent damage to your penis,” warns Dr Rena Malik.

“You can create penile numbness by damaging the nerves to the penis,” she added, warning that the approach does “more harm than good,” and can also cause painful bruising and issues with local arteries and veins.

A blog post on the erectile dysfunction medicine site Hims, which was reviewed by Dr Mike Bohl, warns that jelqing can also induce Peyronie’s disease.

It’s better known as an ailment that causes excruciating and curved erections by scar tissue. Adding insult to injury, Peyronie’s penises are also shorter while erect, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Jelquing joins the recent pseudo-remedy of shocking the penis to enhance performance — another move decried by critics.

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Why millennials are entering their menopause phase

Pop your side-parted hair behind your ear, put down your smashed avo, and stop doom-scrolling long enough to heed this important health update: that’s right, millennials are officially entering perimenopause, writes Hannah Vanderheide.

Along with skinny jeans, crying emojis (or emojis in general), and using our Hogwarts house to describe our personalities, millennials love making up words to signpost things we’re going through. Call me a cringey millennial, but I’m on board.

In the past, we’ve had ‘adulting’ (doing anything decidedly responsible), ‘Xennials’ (older millennials, or millennial Gen-X cuspers), and more recently, ‘hot girl walks’ (two or more women out for a walk). Now, a new term is sweeping the internet, so it’s time to stop everything and investigate

We’re talking about ‘millenopause’ and admittedly, even our made-up word for it is cringe. But if you’re currently aged on the higher end of the millennial scale (which is between 28 and 43) it’s certainly worth having on your radar. 

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Terms like ‘the change’ and ‘the pause,’ are thrown around out there to describe the end of our reproductive era. But perimenopause, menopause, post-menopause, what’s the difference?

Perimenopause describes the phase you’ll hear most discussion about. In the initial phase of perimenopause, you don’t even skip periods. Dr Fatima Khan, a leading menopause specialist from Epworth Hospital, says it tends to be just a change in your menstrual flow with heavy bleeding and flooding for some women and lighter periods for others (I know which I’d opt for!). This happens on average five or six years before you finally hit menopause, and it can bring with it a pretty wild range of symptoms, which we’ll get into below. 

Menopause is 12 months of no period, which is very easy to identify. You go a year without a bleed, and then you’re officially considered postmenopause. The average age for this phase in Australia, is 51 – but bear in mind, that’s just an average.

Postmenopause describes the phase after your body finishes with the whole process and in most cases, is no longer capable of reproducing. Some women will still experience postmenopausal symptoms, however, this phase does mark an end to the majority of the upheaval. 

Let’s talk hormones

When we think of hormones, we mostly think of the sex hormones involved in reproduction, and for those of us with a uterus, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are the stars of the show. A drastic and eventually permanent drop in estrogen production is to blame for many of the unpleasant symptoms associated with perimenopause.

Dr Khan says that one of the biggest impacts will be on our mental health, explaining, “Estrogen is kind of like an anti-anxiety, antidepressant in the brain. When it drops, women will feel teary, they’ll feel flat, and they’ll feel they have no desire to do all the things that they enjoy doing.” When it comes to the other two players, “Progesterone in the right dose is there as a calming hormone, and testosterone is there for libido, but also for energy and mood as well,” explains Dr Khan. 

In the process, Dr Khan says, other hormones are also thrown out of whack. “When estrogen dips, when you skip your period, your cortisol does go up, this is why women get palpitations, they get anxiety, they get rage episodes, they find their blood pressure and heart rate going up,” she says. 

In other somewhat depressing news, Dr Khan states, “When menopause is natural (as opposed to medically induced), the decline of these hormones predisposes women to chronic disease and we become a bit insulin resistant.” She goes on to explain, “Estrogen improves sensitivity for insulin, so when you eat, you might not remove the glucose from your bloodstream as effectively as you otherwise would, so you gain more of something called visceral adipose tissue around the belly, which can have has long-term consequences for diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions.”

I know, so far the news is pretty grim, but let’s forge ahead.

Signs you could be in perimenopause

Brace yourself because the number of potential symptoms of perimenopause is vast, or as Dr Khan puts it, “There are about 34 plus symptoms, so it’s not just hot flushes and night sweats, which are all our mums were told.” This is precisely why we need to be talking about menopause, because historically, women’s health issues have been swept under the rug, leaving us mostly in the dark about our bodies. So, let’s have a look at some of the most common mind and body symptoms Dr Khan sees in her practice:

The mind

  • Brain fog
  • Difficulty in accomplishing tasks that previously presented no challenge
  • Irritability
  • Problems managing anger
  • Symptoms of depression (low mood, overwhelming fatigue, hopelessness)
  • Symptoms of anxiety (agitation, restlessness, excessive worry)

Dr Khan says many women describe the first stages of perimenopause as a kind of out-of-body experience for two weeks of the month. “Literally, they don’t feel themselves for two weeks every month,” she says, “They say, someone’s taken over my body for two weeks, and I even don’t know who that person is.”

The body

  • A change in your menstrual flow and menstrual regularity
  • Some women get dizziness or vertigo
  • Pins and needles, numbness and tingling
  • Burning in the mouth or gum issues
  • Gut issues such as IBS
  • Skin dryness, or itchiness and increased wrinkles (thanks to a drop in collagen production)
  • Headaches/ migraines
  • Lowering of libido
  • Hair loss or thinning
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Bladder issues
  • Night sweats 
  • Sleep disturbances

“I call it a multi-organ syndrome,” says Dr Khan, and she’s right on the money. And for something that can have such an extensive impact, affecting over half of our population, it’s striking how little we talk about its effects. 

Millennials are entering our menopause era, and it’s kind of a big deal

Each generation has its challenges, and for millennials, menopause could be one of our biggest. With many of us juggling full-time work while entering parenthood much later than generations before us, we’re entering menopause at a time when we may already be teetering close to burnout. 

“I say there’s a mismatch in our biological transition and our cultural social environment,” says Dr Khan, “which is not suitable for us to thrive at this stage, it’s actually making it worse…Basically, the whole system is against the millennial woman.” 

“I see women in my clinic, they’re in their early 40s, they’ve got three kids under five, They’ve got a full-time job. And they’ve spent 20 years in this space trying to build this career, so they’re not about to leave that. And then you also have this kind of unequal burden of labour that women always take more of. Add menopause to that, and you have a perfect storm of sorts,” Dr Khan explains.

So, how can we best support ourselves through “the change”?

One of the hardest things for women to prioritise is themselves, and Dr Khan knows exactly what that’s like. 

“I think what can happen is you have your first child or your second child and there’s no space in the day, right? You wake up early and then you stay up later… you started the day with just coffee, skipped lunch and you’re undernourished, you’ve got cortisol and adrenaline coming from your coffee without food. Then comes dinner and maybe you eat or maybe you might restrict yourself because you find you’re gaining weight.” 

So, what does Dr Khan suggest? “Well, I’m not just going to tell them how to eat and exercise because almost every woman knows that,” she says. Instead, she asks her patients to get their diaries and plot out the ways they can commit to more holistically nourishing themselves regularly.

“I usually ask them to start with finding 10 minutes for movement and then maybe 10 minutes writing down a meal plan for themselves and to put in when they see or talk to a friend, because isolation and loneliness can make things feel much worse.” She encourages women to spread their focus across the six key pillars that support our overall health. 

Dr Khan’s six hormone wellness pillars

  1. Nutrition 
  2. Movement 
  3. Environment
  4. Stress management
  5. Connection 
  6. Sleep

Dr Khan believes that a targeted focus on supporting women during menopause and beyond will have widespread effects, resulting in economically and socially healthier systems. And there’s so much more we can do to address this challenge on an individual and community level as our generation dips our toes into the unknown waters of millenopause. “It’s all about matching your health span to your lifespan,” she says.

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