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Eat & drink your way to a healthier gut

Have you heard of the gut-brain-immune axis? Well, dietitian and scientist Dr Flavia Fayet-Moore talks through the latest gut science, symptoms of an unhealthy gut, and what to eat and drink to improve gut health.



You can follow her on Instagram and X @drflavs, see her site here or check Foodiq global here



Online: Head to for your daily digital dose of health and wellness.

On social: Via Instagram at @bodyandsoul_au or Facebook. Or, TikTok here. Got an idea for an episode? DM host Felicity Harley on Instagram @felicityharley

In print: Each Sunday, grab Body+Soul inside The Sunday Telegraph (NSW), the Sunday Herald Sun (Victoria), The Sunday Mail (Queensland), Sunday Mail (SA) and Sunday Tasmanian (Tasmania). 

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Extra Healthy-Ish Podcast: Nedd Brockmann, Felicity Harley

Ultra-endurance runner and sparky Nedd Brockmann opens about resilience, mindset and how to be okay when you’re feeling very damn uncomfortable – a must listen episode. 



You can find Nedd’s book Showing Up (Simon & Schuster, $34.99) here, follow him @neddbrockmann or see his site here



Online: Head to for your daily digital dose of health and wellness.

On social: Via Instagram at @bodyandsoul_au or Facebook. Or, TikTok here. Got an idea for an episode? DM host Felicity Harley on Instagram @felicityharley

In print: Each Sunday, grab Body+Soul inside The Sunday Telegraph (NSW), the Sunday Herald Sun (Victoria), The Sunday Mail (Queensland), Sunday Mail (SA) and Sunday Tasmanian (Tasmania). 

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Healthy-Ish Podcast: Nedd Brockmann, Felicity Harley

Ultra-endurance runner and sparky Nedd Brockmann talks through the concept of “showing up” – what it means to him and how we can build our mental muscle.



To hear today’s full interview, where he chats about being okay with feeling uncomfortable…search for Extra Healthy-ish wherever you get your pods.

You can find Nedd’s book Showing Up (Simon & Schuster, $34.99) here, follow him @neddbrockmann or see his site here



Online: Head to for your daily digital dose of health and wellness.

On social: Via Instagram at @bodyandsoul_au or Facebook. Or, TikTok here. Got an idea for an episode? DM host Felicity Harley on Instagram @felicityharley

In print: Each Sunday, grab Body+Soul inside The Sunday Telegraph (NSW), the Sunday Herald Sun (Victoria), The Sunday Mail (Queensland), Sunday Mail (SA) and Sunday Tasmanian (Tasmania). 

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Yellow discoloured pillows never sleep

Pillows getting a little old and discoloured? Trust us, you’ll want to replace them after reading this.

It’s common knowledge that some things we come into contact with on a day-to-day basis are dirtier than we like to think. 

Our phone screens are covered in germs. Keyboards, too, are a breeding ground for microbes. 

But did you know that our pillows are just as likely to be covered in bacteria? In fact, one expert has revealed there’s one key sign that proves your pillows could be making you sick. 

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Dr Lindsey Zubritsky, a dermatologist based in Mississippi, posted a video on her TikTok channel earlier this month, where she shared just how bad having ‘yellow pillows’ can be for your health. 

You know when your pillow starts to discolour after a year or so, and shows a few marks? Turns out it’s not something you want to ignore. 

‚If you’re sleeping on a dirty, old, yellow-stained pillow like this, this could be hazardous to your health,‘ she said. ‚It’s actually an accumulation of dirt, grime and moisture that can.”


She went on to explain that this discolouration mostly comes from moisture, which could be from drooling in the night, sleeping with wet hair after a shower, oil buildup on your skin, heavy makeup or dead skin cells – which we all have. 

‚If your pillow is yellow, that can put you at risk for clogged pores, and cause breakouts and acne,” she said. And, if you have “sensitive skin, it could cause flares of things like atopic dermatitis, eczema and rosacea.‘

Want something else to keep you up at night? Zubritsky also explained that our pillows are covered in dust mites, and ‚These little mites love to eat up our dead skin,‘ she said.Thus, the more discoloured your pillow, the more dust mites will make a beeline for your bed. 

This is bad news for anyone with a dust mite allergy, but those without should be concerned too as it “means you could be inhaling them, their urine or their faeces.‘

Aside from it being just plain disgusting, it can also ‘inflame’ or ‘irritate’ your airways, particularly if you have asthma.

‘So, if your pillow looks like this, I’m sorry, but you’ve gotta get rid of it,‘ she concluded.

Despite the damning evidence, many commenters made it clear that dust mites or not, they wouldn’t be getting rid of their crusty old pillows. 

‚I’LL NEVER PART WITH HER,‘ said one. Another agreed, writing, ‚It’s yellow bc I sleep on it bc its my fave.‘

One person also comments, ‚I ain’t never givin‘ up my yellow pillow.’ 

We respect the loyalty but when it comes to clogged airways and pores? This sounds like medical advice worth following. 

Lucky we’re in sale season, right? We’ll see you in the bedding aisle.

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Healthy-Ish podcast: 2024’s dating trends

Each Friday, host Felicity Harley and Body + Soul’s digital editor Ashleigh Austin chat through three stories that made them spit-out – or guzzle – their green juices. Or wine. This week, they chat about whether edibles are the new after-work wine (see story here); why 2024’s dating trends are for all of us (see story here); dumplings for weight loss (see story here). 


Online: Head to for your daily digital dose of health and wellness.

On social: Via Instagram at @bodyandsoul_au or Facebook. Or, TikTok here. Got an idea for an episode? DM host Felicity Harley on Instagram @felicityharley

On YouTube: Watch Body + Soul TV here.

In print: Each Sunday, grab Body+Soul inside The Sunday Telegraph (NSW), the Sunday Herald Sun (Victoria), The Sunday Mail (Queensland), Sunday Mail (SA) and Sunday Tasmanian (Tasmania). 

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Is technology fuelling your anxiety? Here’s how to tell

If you find yourself doom-scrolling for a solid three hours before bed and then can’t fall sleep, it could be just one of many signs technology is negatively impacting your mental health.

In our modern world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones to social media, we are more connected than ever before.

The ubiquity of smartphones, the allure of social media, and the myriad of digital tools at our disposal have irrevocably woven themselves into the fabric of our existence. In this digital age, we find ourselves more connected than ever before, fostering global communities, sharing experiences across vast distances, and accessing information with unparalleled ease.

However, it has also introduced a new set of challenges, particularly when it comes to mental health. 

4 foods to help reduce stress and anxiety

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Anxiety, in particular, has found a companion in our digital devices, shaping the way we live, communicate, and experience the world. It finds its breeding ground in the endless stream of data, in the constant connectivity that leaves us tethered to our devices. It thrives in the artificial glow of screens that often replace natural sunlight, disrupting our circadian rhythms and sleep patterns.

The truth is the transformative power of technology has been a double-edged sword – and we must equip ourselves with the awareness and tools needed to harness the benefits of technology while mitigating its unintended consequences on our mental health.

How our digital lives impact our mental health 

The advent of the digital age has given rise to a paradox: while technology promises greater connectivity, it can also fuel feelings of isolation, despair and anxiety. Here are some ways in which our digital lives impact our mental health:

Constant connectivity

Smartphones and social media platforms make it easier for us to stay connected, but this constant connectivity can contribute to feelings of being overwhelmed and unable to disconnect from work or social pressures. Who of us sleep with our smartphones nearby? Do we check them at unusual times? Do we turn them off at all?

Fear of missing out (FOMO)

Social media platforms present carefully curated images of people’s lives, making it easy to feel like we are missing out on experiences and opportunities. This can lead to anxiety and a sense of inadequacy. How often have we watched our friends or colleagues post beautiful photos of their holidays, only to be told the holiday was difficult – the opposite of what was posted online.

Information overload

The endless stream of news, notifications, and messages can lead to information overload, which can trigger stress and anxiety as our brains struggle to process and respond to the influx of data. Do we give ourselves permission to tune out, turn off and take a breath? How would we experience life differently if we did?


The anonymity of the internet can lead to cyberbullying, which can be a significant source of anxiety, especially among young people. Are we checking in with our tweens or teens about their online lives? How are they experiencing what they see and how are they behaving?

Screen time and sleep  

Excessive screen time, especially before bed, can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to increased anxiety and a decreased ability to manage stress. We know it is wise to turn off our devices at least 30-60 minutes before bed, do we do that? Isn’t that what we want our kids to do?

Relationship woes

We may struggle to relate and connect with our family and friends on a deeper level if we constantly have a phone in our hands. Check out how many people are on their devices at a restaurant, sitting across from loved ones and friends. How can we connect if we are staring at a screen?


We’ve all heard that comparison is the thief of happiness, but comparing our bodies, careers and lives in general can be detrimental to our wellbeing. Can we ask friends, family and ourselves about how others feel about what they are viewing online? If comparisons are ensuring we stay ‘small’, ‘truly unseen’, or anxious, perhaps we need a break and some authentic connection, face to face with people we value. Reach out, chances are others feel the same way.

The anxiety-technology connection

Anxiety refers to a complex and often overwhelming combination of negative emotions which can include dread, worry, panic, nervousness and fear. Anxiety and technology often go hand in hand.  For many individuals, the relationship between the two can manifest in different ways:

Social anxiety: While technology can facilitate communication, it can also intensify social anxiety. The pressure to maintain a curated online persona can lead to increased fear of judgment and criticism.

Phobias and online triggers: Online content, particularly images or discussions related to specific phobias or triggers, can cause heightened anxiety in susceptible individuals.

Digital detox struggles: Attempts to reduce screen time or disconnect from technology can be met with resistance and anxiety, as many people fear missing out or becoming isolated from their digital social circles.

Online harassment: Cyberbullying, harassment, and negative interactions on social media platforms can exacerbate anxiety and create a hostile online environment.

Combating digital anxiety

Here are some ways to navigate the digital age with mental health in mind:

Digital detox: Periodically disconnect from screens and social media to reset your mental health and reduce anxiety. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and mindfulness.

Mindful consumption: Be aware of the content you consume online. Unfollow or mute accounts that trigger anxiety, and curate your online experience to be more positive.

Limit screen time before bed: Create a tech-free buffer before bedtime to improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety related to poor sleep patterns.

Seek professional help: If anxiety becomes overwhelming, consider seeking help from a mental health professional who can provide guidance and support.

Diane Young is a trauma specialist and psychotherapist at South Pacific Private, one of Australia’s leading trauma, addiction and mental health treatment centres. 

If you think you or someone you know needs help, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or beyondblue 1300 22 4636. 

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Extra Healthy-Ish podcast: the importance of cardio

Oh cardio, long live the days of steppers, leg warmers and fluro leotards – today, it’s all about strength training. On this ep, Australian Institute of Fitness’ Shaun Radford takes a deep dive into cardio and how much you should be doing each week. 


Find out more about Shaun here


Online: Head to for your daily digital dose of health and wellness.

On social: Via Instagram at @bodyandsoul_au or Facebook. Or, TikTok here. Got an idea for an episode? DM host Felicity Harley on Instagram @felicityharley

In print: Each Sunday, grab Body+Soul inside The Sunday Telegraph (NSW), the Sunday Herald Sun (Victoria), The Sunday Mail (Queensland), Sunday Mail (SA) and Sunday Tasmanian (Tasmania). 

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